Monday, October 8, 2007

Joint Press Statement of YPSEA and the IUSY-Asia-Pacific Committee on Burma

Our Urgent Call to the Military Leaders of Burma and to the ASEAN Governments: Stop the Violence, Respect Human Rights, Restore Democracy in Burma Now!!!
The Young Progressives Southeast Asia (YPSEA) in Malaysia and the IUSY Asia Pacific strongly condemn the Myanmar (Burma) military regime’s use of brute force to crush the peaceful demonstrations of the Buddhist monks and Burmese people. The brutal action had resulted in the loss of lives and the detention of thousands of freedom-loving people.
YPSEA Executive Committee Member Jenice Lee Ying Ha and IUSY Asia Pacific Vice President Anthony Loke submitted a sment of protest at the Myanmar (Burma) Embassy in Malaysia on 1 October 2007. In the statement, YPSEA and IUSY Asia-Pacific:
1. Condemns the military regime and its brutal action against the peaceful demonstrators. They urged the military regime to respect human rights, especially the right to peaceably assemble, and urged the release of all the political prisoners immediately.
2. Calls on the international community to actively intervene and impose sanctions on Myanmar (Burma) military government until democracy and the full recognition of human rights is restored in Burma.
3. Calls on the the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs should pressure the Myanmar junta to stop all the violence against the people and proceed with the democracy plan. Further, the Foreign Affairs Ministry should condemn the brutal action against demonstrators and condemn the Chinese government and Russian government for vetoing the “UN Resolution for Condemning Myanmar”. Bpoth YPSEA and IUSY-AP express their disappointment with the Chinese government and Russian government who have ignored the abuses of the Myanmar military regime, the violence crackdown of peaceful demonstrators and the forcible detention of many social activists and their leaders who have been struggling for genuine democracy and freedom.
4. Strongly urges the ASEAN member-governments to impose political pressure and economic sanctiosn on the Myanmar military regime and to call for an emergency meeting to review the ASEAN membership of Myanmar.
5. Urges as well the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) to pressure the Myanmar military regime to stop all the violence against the people and stop the detention of the activists who are exercising their fundamental right to free expression.

The YPSEA is a regional organization of young progressives aimed at creating political exchange and communication in order to promote democracy, equality and human rights in Southeast Asia. It was established in 2004 and was formally set up in 2006 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Its membership consists of progressive youth groups from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia.Timor Leste currently have observer status.
Current YPSEA Executive Committee members are Jenice Lee Ying Ha (Malaysia’s Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth - DAPSY), Kodchawan Chaiyabutr (Student Federation of Thailand) and Wilson Requez (Student Council Alliance of the Philippines and the regional coordinator for the YPSEA). Member groups from Malaysia include Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (DAPSY), Malaysia Student Movement (DEMA) and Pergerakan Rakyat Progresif Demokratic (PRODEM).

东南亚青年进步组织(Young Progressive Southeast Asia, YPSEA)及亚太区国际社会主义联盟日前到缅甸驻马来西亚大使馆抗议缅甸军人政府使用武力驱散游行示威的僧人,造成至少9人死亡并逮捕千余人。
1. 谴责缅甸军人政府使用武力对付手无寸铁的僧侣,以及逮捕千余人,漠视人民对追求民主及自由的意愿。呼吁军人政府正视缅甸的人权以及民主,同时马上释放所有政治囚犯和扣留者。
2. 国际社会应该介入并制裁缅甸,直到军人政府把政权归还于1990年赢得政权的昂山素枝以及缅甸民主联盟。
3. 马来西亚外交部应该在外交上向缅甸军人政府施压并严厉谴责血腥镇压以及谴责中国和俄罗斯於联合国安理会阻挡“联合国谴责缅甸议案”,因为中、俄漠视缅甸军人独裁、血腥镇压民主及囚禁民主运动的领袖及活跃分子。
4. 呼吁东协(ASEAN) 的成员国马上对缅甸进行经济制裁,并且召开紧急会议,检讨缅甸的会员籍。
5. 呼吁东协声援民主化论坛(ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus, AIPMC)向缅甸政府施压, 要求军人政府马上停止镇压和逮捕示威人士。

东南亚青年进步组织涵盖的国家有马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚;而缅甸和东帝汶还在观察阶段。第一届的执行委员会委员包括行动党社青团国际秘书李映霞、泰国学生联合会 – Kodchawan Chaiyabutr及菲律宾学生议会联盟主席Wilson Requez (委员会的协调员)。(